The temples are located in Mount Ungaran believed to be Hindu Temple with the invention of the Hindu statues located inside and around the temple site. Among the statues found Ciwa Mahadeva, Ciwa Grand Master, Ganeca, Durga Mahisasura Mardhini, Swara Nandi, Mahakala and Yoni that is in the temple.
Another privilege of Gedong Songo temple is located on the statues of elephants in the squatting position at the foot of Temple Gedong III, and Yoni in a rectangular shape in the Temple chambers Gedong I.
Regarding when the establishment of Gedong Songo temple no one knows for sure, but it is estimated by experts that these temples have been made during the Dieng temple built during the period of the century VII - IX AD during Syailendra Dynasty. It is known from artifacts left behind around the temple site, and the existence of the physical similarities between the Temple and the Temple Dieng Gedong Songo. The second location of the temple which is situated at an altitude mountain progressively increased confidence that the second temple was built on the same period.
The temple is located in the Village Temple Ambarawa district is located just 39 km from the city of Semarang, or just 20 minutes away by motor vehicle in the speed of 70 km / h Entering the temple area is starting to feel the cool air with a typical mountain breeze lilting.
The temple is situated at an altitude of Mount Ungaran is showing incredible natural charm because of its location which is situated at an altitude of the mountain.

In the fourth location of the temple there are hot springs, the temple which is the fifth or last and highest temple site, we can freely look down, even if the weather was sunny in a row we can see from the south side of the temple, namely Telomoyo Mountain, Mount Merbabu, Andong and Mt Merapi volcano.
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